It's nil-nil, but...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The fun begins now

Forget early rounds - this is where heroes are made, says Gabriele Marcotti from the Sports Illustrated magazine.

He adds that fans of teams which stuttered in the early stages need not be too worried (England fans take note!) as the competition's early phases are largely irrelevant. There are lots of examples in the World Cup to show how the eventual winner had actually come through bad early rounds. Marcotti goes to the extent to say that it's entirely possible to wake up halfway through the tournament and win it all.

He adds: “Whoever wins will be anointed a genius. The winning players will become household names, their fame will far surpass their ability or contribution. And the losers will be chastised as incompetents, as cowards as men of little worth.”

Read his full article here.


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