It's nil-nil, but...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This theory points to Brazil as the winner

This theory is currently being circulated in the cyber world. Will it work this year? Lets just wait and see if this theory is proven right.

1. Brazil won in 1994 and before that won in 1970

1970 + 1994 = 3964

2. Argentina won its last world cup in 1986 and before that in 1978

1978 + 1986 = 3964

3. Germany won its last world cup in 1990 and before that in 1974

1974 + 1990 = 3964

4. In 2002 and 1962, Brazil won the championships

1962 + 2002 = 3964

5. So it is logical, if we want to predict what will happen this year, to then look for another year that would verify the formula .

3964 - 2006 = 1958 ...

Brazil was the champion in 1958, so we conclude Brazil will win this year .

Good luck to all of you who put on bets this World Cup.

(Many thanks to Prem for this tip off)


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